Porcelain Tiles: The Next Big Thing in Ceramic Tiles
Porcelain Tiles and its footprints can be dated back in history to early 1000 BCE, while some have attributed its discovery to the Egyptians some have contended its existence in the early Mesopotamian and Chinese civilization. Since then, the Tiles or Ceramics, as they are broadly classified have come a long way. With every turn of century, with every change and need, with every new progression in techniques the evolution of glazed porcelain Tiles is what we have now, and oddly enough there is still room for more technological advancement in Ceramics. By 19 th century and with Industrial revolution mass production of Tiles was only a matter of time, making it easier for anyone to have access to tiles. With demand and need for new innovations to come up with novel ideas in Ceramics led to revolutionary manufacturing and designing concepts and new doors opened to explore other ceramics; eventually with every new development porcelain wall and floor tiles have emerged, and as ...